The 10th Annual Hilltopper Classic at Marquette University High School is being held this weekend in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After a marathon day one that did not end until close to midnight, 56 teams remain in contention for the elimination rounds–a full list of the teams (in order) that have accumulated 3-0, 2-1, or 1-2 records is available below the fold. Round four is underway this morning and rounds five and six and octafinals and quarterfinals will follow.
Sweet Home Alabama McCarty/Quinn
Nicolet Loxton/Schwartz
Oak Park-River Forest Hazinski/Hanley
Glenbrook North Sridharan/Shklar
Glenbrook South Sailer/Varney
Glenbrook North Makuch/Pappas
New Trier Rossman/Kontopoulos
Glenbrook South McLeod/Zhao
Wayzata Ramanujan/Svoboda
Maine East Peter/Stachon-Groblowy
Maine East Jose/Vakil
Wayzata Satish/Holder
Edina Aufderheide/Khatri
Indianola Croat/Lewiston
Iowa City Allen/Rocklin
Dexter Kaas/Hosford
Glenbrook South Hurwitz/Galperin
Glenbrook South Choi/Han
Dowling Catholic Blank/Duff
SPASH Crunkilton/Johnson
Oak Park-River Forest Yoder/Hardwicke
Glenbrook South Thibeau/Tuchman
Appleton West Karoses/Swanson
Glenbrook North Zhang/Boroditsky
Indianola Casady/Lewiston
Glenbrook North Kanarek/Saltzman
Glenbrook North Stavropoulos/Singer
Maine East Shareef/Solano
Glenbrook South Henderson/Jacome
New Trier Khatri/Snyder
Wayzata Manley/Donnelly
Glenbrook North Piro/Loy
Wayzata Boyd/Ganti
Maine East Saha/Patel
Glenbrook South Bianchi/Bigelow
Neenah Okundaye/Holzem
Dowling Catholic Nelson/Carroll
Glenbrook South George/Salathe
Wayzata Ehrlich/Sohoni
Edina Nelson/Sergent-Leventhal
Glenbrook North Hirshman/Matus
New Trier Marinello/Farcasanu
Blake McGrath/Morrow
Maine East Kosmas/Rattani
Rufus King Shaw/Komas
Indianola Lor/DeCamp
East Kentwood Bilski/Graham
Glenbrook South Han/Sousa-Nieves
Edina Dehnel/Zhang
Maine East Rattani/Saiki
Dowling Catholic Dore/McCarthy
Wayzata Bahls/Li
Edina Fink/Sadogopal
UC Lab Rosenbacher/Harduvel
UC Lab Sinclair (Maverick)